Thursday, August 22, 2013

Follow me on.....

Please follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Bloglovin'.  Below are pictures that will show you where the buttons are located on this blog. 
On the top right of my blog you will see three buttons, look at the picture below to see them.  (if the pictures are too small, you can enlarge the picture by clicking on it.)  By clicking on the buttons you will be taken directly to my sites.  The first button is for my Facebook fanpage.  This page has been available for a year and a half.  It has over 2000 pictures of quilts I've quilted for clients and some of my own quilts, quilt tips, videos, and more.  The second button is my personal Pinterest, with lots of fun ideas.  The third button is my Instagram.  This is a fast and easy way for me to share projects, quilts I am quilting, and everyday happenings for me.  Come join the fun!   
Below is a picture of the Bloglovin' button.  I'm new to bloglovin' and excited to try it out!  An easy way to check out all your favorite blogs in one place, how amazing is that!!!!
This third picture shows the share buttons.  These allow you to share the blog or posts to your facebook, twitter, and email.  You can print a post using the print button.  When you click the plus button it gives you several options to share on other sites you may pinterest.  Also there is a printer friendly option under the plus button.  A helpful way to share, share, share! 
Thank you!
~ leisha

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